Robot Write For Us

Robot Write For Us
A robot is an automated machine that can perform specific tasks with little or no human intervention and speed and precision. The field of robotics, which deals with the design, engineering, and operation of robots, has advanced remarkably over the past 50 years. You can send your article to

Types of Robots

There are as many different types of robots as there are tasks.

1. Androids

Androids are robots that look like humans. They are often mobile, moving on wheels or tracks. According to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, these humanoid robots use personal care and assistance, search and rescue, space exploration and research, entertainment and education, social public and health care, and manufacturing. As use cases and applications blow up, the Android market is expected to reach $13 billion by 2026.

2. Telechir

A telechir is a complex robot remotely controlled by a human operator for a telepresence system. It gives that person the feeling of being in a remote, dangerous or strange environment. It allows them to interact because the telechir constantly provides sensory feedback.

3. Telepresence Robot

A telepresence robot simulates the experience and specific abilities to be physically present in a place. It combines remote monitoring and management via telemetry sent by radio, cables or fibre optics and allows remote business consultation, health care, home monitoring, child care, etc.

4. Industrial Robot

The IFR defines an industrial robot as a “reprogrammable general-purpose manipulator, automatically controlled and programmable on three or more axes”. Users can also adapt these robots to different applications. Combining these bots with AI has helped companies move from simple automation to more complex, higher-level tasks.

5. Robot Swarm

Swarm robots (also known as insect robots) work in fleets ranging from a few to thousands, all under the supervision of a single controller. These robots are similar to insect colonies in that they exhibit simple behaviours individually but demonstrate more sophisticated behaviours with the ability to perform complex tasks altogether.

Types of Robots

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Searches Terms Related to Robot Write For Us






Artificial intelligence

William Grey Walter

Robot locomotion

Industrial robots

Medical operating robots

Virtual software agents

Simultaneous localization and mapping

Tactile sensor


Uncanny valley

von Neumann machine

Wake-up robot problem

Neuromorphic engineering

Cognitive robotics

Companion robot

Domestic robot

Epigenetic robotics

Evolutionary robotics

Humanoid robot

Autonomous robot


Robot control


Autonomous spaceport drone ship

Driverless car

Friendly Robotics

Lely Juno family

Liquid handling robot

Paro (robot)




Robot App Store

Unmanned vehicle

Remote control vehicle

Automated guided vehicle

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